Top 7 Moving Tips for Seniors

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Top 7 Moving Tips for Seniors – Tackling a big move can seem daunting to older adults. If it’s time to move out of the home you built decades ago to raise a family so you can downsize to an assisted living facility or move in with your kids, the moving process doesn’t have to be stressful. Follow these tips to make it go as smoothly as possible.

  1. Purge

You’ve likely collected many things over your lifetime, but now you have to go through it all and sort what’s really important. Start by making three piles: one to throw in the trash, one to donate to charity, and one to keep.

  1. Part With What You Can’t Keep

If you have a special treasure you just don’t want to part with but simply have no space in the new digs, give it to a grandchild or other beloved relative.

  1. Make a Plan

When downsizing, a loss of space is par for the course. When transitioning from a three-bedroom to a one-bedroom, for instance, it’s important to draw out a layout before the move so you know exactly how much furniture you can take and where it will go. This will help you, to be sure, but it will also help your movers so there will be very little guesswork on moving day.

  1. Go Room by Room

You don’t have to get overwhelmed by tackling several rooms at once. Start with one room, then move on to the next. By going slowly and methodically, you can break up one large move up into smaller manageable chunks. Take your time and do this over several days rather than all on one day. Spend just an hour a day on one task if time is on your side. You may want to start with seasonal items or little-used items in an attic or a basement, suggests Good Housekeeping. Save the critical rooms like kitchens and bathrooms for last.

  1. Notify Your Contacts

Call the post office or go online to fill out a change of address. Tell your friends and family about the change, too. 

  1. Transfer Utilities and Cancel Subscriptions

Transfer or terminate utilities. Cancel all gym memberships, as well as magazine and newspaper subscriptions.

  1. Hire a Mover

The burden of sorting and moving doesn’t have to fall solely on your shoulders. Sometimes it can be comforting to know a professional is there to pack up and move your belongings. This takes the physical aspect of moving off your shoulders so you can save your health and safety. Choose movers who have a lot of experience moving seniors, which can also take the emotional component out of the equation to result in greater efficiency. Allow the moving company to determine the complicated logistics of getting everything from Point A to Point B. Remember, delegation of tasks is critical in situations like these.

Contact The Moving Guys

To help with the burden of moving, contact The Moving Guys for a free quote at one of our three convenient locations: 732-333-1800 in Marlboro, 732-608-7178 in Beachwood, or 201-997-6200 in Kenilworth. We handle many senior moves like yours, so you’ll get personalized attention to detail and sensitivity.
